eTRM was designed and developed by Peter Goldthorp from Oracle Applications Development Services Division.
eTRM is a pl/sql utility which reads design information in an Oracle database and displays its output in html format.
The eTRM shows you a web-based view of the Oracle Applications data model. It provides access to schema object definitions and descriptions.
ER or database schema diagrams are available as pdf files for most products. They can be accessed from the FND tab
eTRM has 3 access modes:
Each mode is presented on a separate html tab.
The Search tab is the opening page for eTRM. It allows you to perform search engine queries against the table and column descriptions in the FND Model. eTRM performs an intermedia text search on the descriptions in FND_TABLES, FND_VIEWS and FND_COLUMNS using the text you enter on the search form. For example, if you enter 'contract compliance' and then press 'Search', eTRM will look for tables, views and columns that contain that phrase. The search engine tries to present the most relev ant entries at the top of the list. It uses the following logic for this: first it counts the number of column descriptions that include an exact match for the phrase. Tables with a large column count (many column descriptions match the phrase) will be listed above ones with a lower count. If an 'exact match' search does not return many entries. eTRM will perform a second search. This time it looks for descriptions that contain any of the words in the search condition
The search form can also be used for quick navigation to data dictionary objects. The search form will find objects that match the exact name (no wildcards) entered in the search condition. For example entering 'per_people_f' in the form, will list the view itself in addition to any objects that include the word 'per_people_f' in their description.
The DBA tab provides an html form to query the dba_objects view. The form allows navigation using drill down navigation or query values. For example you can enter 'AMS\_%' (without the quotes) in the Object Name field to see a count by schema of objects that start with 'AMS_'. If you click on one of the object types it will display a list of them. Clicking on one of the items in the list will cause its definition to be displayed in a separate window.
Object definition and dependency information is available for every item. In addition to this, eTRM includes custom reports for tables, views and pl/sql packages. These provide additional details such as columns and index information for tables. The opening page on the DBA tab allows navigation by schema or product prefix. The product prefix option provides a short cut for populating the Object Name field. This will show the distribution of objects that use the product prefix. Please note t hat this may not represent a complete list of items that belong to that product. Some products use more than one prefix.
The FND tab allows access to the FND Model. Applications databases hold design information in a series of (FND_) tables. This information records details that are not available from the data dictionary (dba_objects). For example, views are mapped to the products that own them in the FND model. Primary and foreign key constraints represent another example. These constraints are registered in the FND model but are not typically implemented in the product. The FND tab provides a mechanism to access these properties.
It shows design data for tables, views, concurrent programs and quick codes. The FND tab acts as a navigator for this data. You can query by product, object name or object type. The navigator allows you to drill down to find the name of an individual table, view, concurrent program or quick code. When you click on the name the object's definition is displayed in a separate window. This window will include a hypertext link to the dba information if it is available. Static files are also available from the FND tab.
Most of the content that eTRM displays is generated dynamically; each mouse click causes a new database query. This means eTRM will always show the current structure of the database. It never gets out of sync. Unfortunately, it presents problems for people who want to work off-line. Static files are designed to address this. They are self contained pdf and html files that contain diagrams, extracts and summaries of the data that is contained in eTRM.
Once you have told eTRM what object you want information on (by doing the object search or by navigating the virtual appl_top until you have reached the required object), you will be presented with a report that shows both traditional Technical Reference Manual information and dependency information. This report will include different information for different types of objects, but for example, if you were to have selected a table, you would see the following:
Any bugs or problems encountered with the eTRM system should be reported to the associated product support organization. These types of issues may be reported by submitting a MetaLink Itar.
Currently, the Applications product suite is the only group which publishes the Technical Reference manuals electronically. For a complete and detailed list of products, navigate to the FND tab.
Technical Reference manuals are produced for every production product in the Applications eBusiness suite. New products will be added to eTRM as they are added to the suite.
eTRM was developed to publish technical reference information for products in the eBusiness Suite. There are no plans to expand this to products outside the suite.
eTRM replaces the paper based Technical Reference Manuals we produced in the past. Technical Reference Manuals are available in hard copy format for Applications version 11.5.1 and earlier. Technical reference information for 11.5.4 and later versions of Applications will be published via eTRM. 'Static' html files are included in the published eTRM. These can be downloaded for offline working. Static files are available from the FND tab.
The majority of the data upon which eTRM reports, is obtained from the objects and schemas within an eBusiness database itself. Some data (such as diagrams and descriptions) is pulled from a separate Oracle Designer Repository and added to the data natively available in the database.
Not at the moment. This feature is being considered for a future release of eTRM.
No. Currently eTRM is available only via MetaLink. The idea of supplying eTRM directly to customers is being reviewed for possible inclusion in a future release.
No. eTRM has completely replaced the old paper manuals. It is possible to download certain static reports (provided with eTRM) and then print these for reference.
The eTRM team has received several requests for this feature to be put (back) into eTRM. The reason it was available before, was that eTRM used to run against an Oracle Designer case repository. This repository provided the required data natively. Now that eTRM (v3) runs against a live E-Business database - making it much more accurate and complete - the required data is not available as easily (if at all).
Unfortunately no. As you may know, the Apps TRMs are no longer produced in PDF format. eTRM reports on all products included in a given Apps point release (i.e. in the rapid install database for that release). Due to its dynamic nature, eTRM can currently provide only html format reports. Selected information from each product is downloadable as a file for printing etc but not in PDF format.
We have occasionally seen this type of issue before; it usually stems from one of the following: